Friday, February 8, 2013


I decided that it may be good for me to start a blog. I know, its kind of considered as lame as having a diary in this modern world of ours, but still...just a place to vent or ramble about this and that will be good.

Introductions are probably in order, my name is Lola. I'm 17, which is a very fun age for a unpopular girl who gets bullied constantly by these god awful bimbos that seem to be so full of themselves, just because some dumb tan guys that think the fact that they can benchpress their bodyweight is going to help them in life.

Speaking of which, I have the strongest urge to just one of these days walk into my school and beat everyone with my umbrella. I mean...none of the people there, at least in my class are decent human beings.
I realize of course an umbrella wouldn't kill them. I don't want that, as much as they have hurt me I can't bring myself to kill a human being.

Sorry for that.
This felt good, really blows off steam.

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